My Thoughts on Creativity #365daysofcreativity2021
Ideas flowed, new vision was cast, the front porch was refreshed for spring, artwork was painted, drawn, and developed. All in all, these first couple of weeks of this challenge have been beneficial and not a burden. I am enjoying contemplating creativity beyond just painting on a canvas. I often relate to creativity best in this way but challenging myself to push beyond what I typically lean into has been a healthy exercise. “Leaning into my creative voice” sums up this experience thus far.
As the first week progressed, the days filled up with tasks and appointments, classes and a quick trip to my hometown. I questioned if I would be able to continue the flow of creativity during those extremely busy days. I found giving myself grace as I defined “being creative” was definitely a must. Friday night’s creative session happened at 11:30pm. Did I mention I am not a night owl? To say this was past my bed time is an understatement but that gives you some idea of the busyness of the day. In the spirit of not giving up, I pushed myself to stay awake for at least 30 more minutes. I drew a colored pencil sketch in 15 minutes that was a response to my time with the Lord. I found that this exercise was just as meaningful as an hour-long painting session because of its purpose: a worshipful response to the Lord for His glory. As a believer, shouldn’t all of our creative endeavors glorify God? That doesn’t mean that I have to draw a cross or paint the face of Jesus to glorify God. I do consider this question though in regards to my art, “Is this creative venture true, pure, lovely and edifying?” I’m in the process of painting a mural right now for a school. The subject matter focuses on music, more specifically, bears playing musical instruments. There are no crosses or bible verses painted on the wall but I believe God is glorified through the brilliant colors, playful subject matter, and my work ethic. I pray that it will bring great joy to students and teachers. Some work may be created for the purpose of recording tragic events or painful life situations. It may not be deemed “lovely” but necessary for remembrance and healing. Perhaps it will lead the viewer to seek after our Savior. Why did I dive into my belief system surrounding creativity? I desire for you my friends to see my heart for creativity. Our Creator designed the heavens and the earth, it’s animals, and us. We are His masterpieces designed in His image. We are creative because He is creative. May I, we, always create with Him in mind.
Finally, an unexpected byproduct of this creativity challenge has surfaced. I have been more intentional about evaluating my day, yes evaluating my creativity progress, but more importantly, how I have spent my day: time with the Lord, meditation on scripture, investment in people, and even the mundane necessities of life. So moving forward I’ll continue my commitment to this creative challenge because, as I am learning, it is a commitment to glorify God, to fill my creative cup, and to see “life” right in front of me through a fresh lens.
“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Philippians 4:8 (NLT)
“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.” Psalm 37:4-5 (NLT)